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Rebħa għar-Residenti ta’ Marsaskala

Wara dak illi tħabbar mill-Prim Ministru waqt id-diskors tal-budget kmieni din il-ġimgħa, il-Marsaskala Residents Network tilqa’ b’sodisfazzjon l-aħbar illi ser jinbidlu l-pjanijiet lokali sabiex ma tkunx tista’ ssir marina f’Marsaskala.

Ritratt: Marsaskala Residents Network

L-MRN tixtieq tirringrazzja lil dawk ir-residenti, individwi u NGOs illi tawna sostenn sakemm wasalna s’hawn. Fl-ispirtu tat-trend emerġenti tal-Unjoni Ewropea fejn ir-rwol taċ-ċittadini fil-governanza tal-lokalitajiet tagħhom hija mogħtija valur iktar minn qatt qabel, l-MRN tħeġġeġ lill-awtoritajiet sabiex jidħlu f’diskussjoni u konsultazzjoni mar-residenti ta’ Marsaskala u tal-ibliet u rħula oħrajn meta jiġu għat-tfassil ta’ pjanijiet ġodda għal-lokalitajiet.

Inħeġġu wkoll lir-residenti biex ikunu huma illi jistaqsu sabiex jipparteċipaw f’dan it-tfassil ħalli jassiguraw ippjanar responsabbli u sostenibbli, għall-ġid tal-komunitajiet u l-ambjent.


Marsaskala Residents Network has received with satisfaction the pledge made by the Prime Minister earlier this week during his budget speech that changes in the local plans will be made in order to ensure that no marina is built in Marsaskala.

This could not have happened without the support of residents, individuals and NGOs, to whom we are grateful. In line with emerging trends in the European Union, where the role of citizens in the governance of their localities is being given importance more than ever, MRN is inviting the authorities to embark on discussions and consultations with the residents of Marsaskala and other towns and villages at the planning stages of the new Local Plans.

We also encourage residents to demand that they are included in these discussions, in order to ensure responsible and sustainable planning, for the benefit of communities and the environment.