[PRESS STATEMENT] Il-Kollettiv, Resident Associations call for comprehensive planning reform
A number of resident groups and NGO Il-Kollettiv have stated that any review of the Local Plans must not lead to further development, whilst reiterating their proposals in favour of a comprehensive planning reform.
“L-Aqwa Budget.” Is it?
Beyond the razzle-dazzle, let's critically analyse the new Budget measures and see if they’re the real deal, or whether it’s another display of short-term fixes.
Is-Sussidju għall-Iskejjel Indipendenti: L-Għajnuna Soċjali għall-Privileġġjati
Kieku kien hemm ir-rieda li l-fondi pubbliċi jintefqu b’mod ekwu, setgħu ġew ikkonsultati l-għalliema u l-amministrazzjoni tal-iskejjel tal-istat, u żgur li kienu jagħtu ideat dwar fejn jistgħu jiġu investiti 27 miljun euro.
Activists Request NAO Inquiry in Villa Rosa, Mellieha Land Deals
Together with other activists and politicians we have filed a request with the Auditor General to investigate the dealings between Lands Authority officials, former Lands Minister Silvio Schembri, and developers Anton Camilleri and Paul Attard, in relation to the sale of a public alley in St Julians and a plot of land in Mellieha.
The Property Ladder and I (2)
Figure this: as a 19-year-old student I have to worry that in the next 7-10 years I won’t be able to afford a flat let alone a house. This is a matter of a fact, because Malta is currently and will likely still be facing a severe housing crisis.
The Property Ladder and I (1)
Figure this: as a 19-year-old student I have to worry that in the next 7-10 years I won’t be able to afford a flat let alone a house. This is a matter of a fact, because Malta is currently and will likely still be facing a severe housing crisis.
Il-Kollettiv condemns the Government’s move to amend the Local Plans in St Julians to accommodate the construction of Anton Camilleri’s Villa Rosa project, and calls for an investigation into former Lands Minister Silvio Schembri’s dealings with at least two MDA council members.
Bla Waqfien: l-Attakk fuq il-Kwalità tal-Ħajja
Wara l-elezzjoni tal-MEPs u l-Kunsilli Lokali, il-Prim Ministru Abela wiegħed li se jagħti każ tal-messaġġ li ntbgħatlu mill-poplu dwar ir-rieda għal kwalità tal-ħajja aħjar.
Iżda minn dak li qed iseħħ madwarna bħalissa jidher ċar li dan il-messaġġ waqa’ fuq widnejn torox. Il-Prim Ministru m’għandux il-ħeġġa li jieħu deċiżjonijiet iebsin favur is-soċjetà ċivili, u kontra l-lobby tal-bini li tinsab bla kontroll.
Kif se jagħlqu ħalq kulħadd (2)
Il-Gvern iwiegħed li jissospendi l-bini taħt appell, iżda minflok irid isikket lir-residenti billi juża lill-NGOs bħala tarka.