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What is active citizenship?

Someone asked us, “what is active citizenship?”

Ritratt: Marsaskala Residents Network

We could go on by the textbook definition of active citizenship. But we think that the photos below render more justice to what this means!

If you sometimes feel helpless to all the havoc around us, active citizenship offers the means to do something about it.

Today, a successful clean-up at il-Magħluq was held between Nature Trust - FEE Malta, and the Marsaskala Residents Network. The weather was kind to us, as it gave everyone a breather.

After the clean-up, the tree plan design for il-Magħluq was discussed with Nature Trust’s representatives. These trees were obtained, again, by your active citizenship when you participated in the Move for Trees Campaign.

Are you up to the challenge? Do you want to make a tangible, positive difference in your beautiful village? Join us in our next activity!

We would like to thank the Malta Police Force for their contribution, especially the Marsaskala Community Policing Team for joining us today.