The Property Ladder and I (2)
Emma Brownrigg Fenech Emma Brownrigg Fenech

The Property Ladder and I (2)

Figure this: as a 19-year-old student I have to worry that in the next 7-10 years I won’t be able to afford a flat let alone a house. This is a matter of a fact, because Malta is currently and will likely still be facing a severe housing crisis. 

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The Property Ladder and I (1)
Emma Brownrigg Fenech Emma Brownrigg Fenech

The Property Ladder and I (1)

Figure this: as a 19-year-old student I have to worry that in the next 7-10 years I won’t be able to afford a flat let alone a house. This is a matter of a fact, because Malta is currently and will likely still be facing a severe housing crisis. 

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